Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Green Screen and Chatterpix.

Green Screen and ChatterPix today!
Chatter Pix

Green Screen 

Fantastic work today using Green Screens in Nicole and Jodie's class today.
Both classes had a similar idea of using Green Screen and adding the image to Chatter Pix.

Jodie's class had created a "Space Monster" using box creation and students took a photo of this monster in front of green cardboard therefore they could import a intergalactic background.

One of the space background examples 
From here we exported the image to the camera roll and added it to Chatter Pix. This allowed us to create a mouth on the "Space Monster" and the students spoke about what 3D shapes were used to create their box monster.

Pre primary and Year ones in Nicole's class have been studying Lions. Students superimposed themselves in front of a photo of a lion and made the lion speak, mentioning at least 3 facts they knew about lions.
As we were using the green screen application we realised that it doesn't work with the students green school uniforms, something to keep in mind.

One of the students on "Safari".(Image has been cropped for privacy policy)

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Creating Reading Corner QR COdes

Hey all, after Jodie's amazing QR work lots of teachers are wanting to have a go at creating their own QR codes. I will post the instructions below, I suggest create a folder in Dropbox and shrae your QR codes so that everyone is creating links to different book. That way we can build the resource collection across the 3 schools.

Step 1. Find the Youtube clip you want to share. 

2. Copy the link and past it into the website : This will remove the links to other videos on the side and comments section. 

3. Copy the URL from this site and paste it into the blank line on

4. Download the QR code and paste it in a document with a photo and heading. On the iPad PicCollage is an easy way to do this. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Green Screen

We have all seen the movies where the magic of special effects and technology allows directors to superimpose their actors onto virtual backgrounds, place them over animated digital backdrops or transport them to a previously filmed location.

Now we can do the same in the classroom, this allows students to create presentations/ movies where they are placed in a foreign place or time.

On the iPads:
1. First you need to download the Green Screen App: $3.79

This does not need to be installed on all iPads, as most schools only have one green screen( although a piece of material or cardboard pinned to a pin up board will work fine), a nominated iPad or Teachers device would work perfectly. 

2. Next step is to download an image or take footage for the background. 

3. Set up the iPad so that the Green material covers the whole screen (we used a beaker stand from the science room as a stand.)

4. In the top Line add your background image, in the middle line add your Green screen footage. 

5. Once you have filmed and checked your footage you can export it to the camera roll. Once it is in  the camera roll you are able to add it to iMovie and create titles and headings.