Thursday, 19 February 2015

Hey all, 
Thanks for all being prepared and ready to go yesterday. Also a massive thank you to Vivienne for getting Reflector on all of your computers and "30 hands" downloaded. 

Hayley’s class

What a beautiful class to start my day with, the year 1’s in Hayley's class were brilliant this morning. We used “30 hands” to retell the story of Mrs Wishy-Washy. In 3 groups students took pictures of each of the pages in the book and put them in order. Then in rotation students added their oral recordings to each page. They loved hearing their voice back again and some students wanted to redo their recordings at they had not spoken clearly enough into the microphone. 
"30 hands" also can be saved to the camera roll as a video, therefore sharing it with parents or saving it to a computer is easy.

Lucy's Class

Lucy’s class were working on students vocabulary around movement, focusing on words such as up, down , through and under…..etc. Lucy had taken photos of her students and they placed themselves as characters on a photo of the playground. In Puppet Pals students had to describe how they move   around the playground  e.g. “First I went up the slide, then over the bridge”.
The students are still playing with what the app can do but they are learning fast.  It was a great way to record their oral language. 

Deb's Class
Deb and the amazing Pirates in A6 were exploring sounds and had previously taken photos of objects starting with P, A or S. 
In group rotations students created a Pic Collage or a page in Book Creator
Deb and I were also looking at DropBox so that these little masterpieces can be printed. 

Allison's Class
Allison’s class worked with Pic Collage, in groups students went on a sound hunt. Taking photos  of objects that began with a certain letter. 
They then collated them in Pic Collage, adding borders and also students names. 

Sarah’s class
Sarah's students retold the story of The Three Kangaroo Gruff, adding in their own characters and backgrounds. Sarah's main aim was for a oral retell that breaks down the story into beginning, middle and end. By having 3 backgrounds this helped students separate these parts. 

Jude's Class

Jude's class are focusing on transport and used Popplet to create a brainstorm. 
This allowed students to link ideas and group them by colour. 
Most groups needed some prompting from the teacher working with the group, so Jude will repeat the lesson with the class today. 
Overall the students did a fantastic job. 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Technology integration is based on a lot of research and case studies. The main models that I like to  keep in mind when working with teachers are listed below.


The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) conceptual framework was created by Mishra and Koehler and describes the use of ICT in learning and for professional work. 
The framework is represented in a venn diagram and highlights the idea that using ICT in the classroom must have a sound curriculum fit and meet the pedagogical ideas of the teacher.  

21st Century Fluencies 

21st Century Fluencies is a set of skills identified as crucial for our students to succeed when they graduate in todays ever changing world. 
They comprise of the following:

Solution Fluency is the ability to think creatively to solve problems in real tim, by clearly defining the problem, designing an appropriate solution, delivering the solution and then evaluating the process and the outcome. 

Information Fluency is the ability to unconsciously and intuitively interpret information in all forms and formats.

Creativity Fluency is the process by which artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling.

Collaboration Fluency is the ability to work cooperatively with virtual and real partners in an online environment to solve problems and create original products.

Media Fluency is the ability to look analytically at any communication to interpret the real message, as well as being able to create original communications though the most appropriate and effective medium.

Chck out more information here: 21st Century Fluencies


The SAMR model describes four levels of technology integration that increase in complexity and effect, from simple substitution which barely changes the function, to a more complex redefinition where the technology use can provide opportunities to create what would not be possible without that technology

Australian Curriculum- General Capabilities. 

If we look at the main ideas in the Australian Curriculum General Capabilities we need to focus on Investigating , Creating and Communicating.  These skills are broad and can be taught in any context. As an overarching goal we need to make sure that the students are making Ethical decisions and looking at good digital citizenship content can help guide students to work ethically online. 

Online reading resources

I was asked about iBooks and how they could be used in the classroom last session. As iBooks can be quiet expensive  these websites might be a good alternative. 

Storyline online 
This website has story books read by actors or actresses from the Screen Actors Guild.

Unite for Literacy is a website that has a range of books to read, you can also tick narration and pick another language. So many lesson opportunities for language immersion. 

Matt Gomez has a great list of reading book listed on his blog 

He has recommended using a program called Symbaloo to group the catalogue together.

More free reading resources.